The 5 Mistakes Online Entrepreneurs Make When Creating and Launching Memberships [Ep 23]

In this episode, I discuss the five mistakes people make when creating and launching memberships from a systems perspective. I also share my thoughts and experiences working with clients who have launched memberships, highlighting the behind-the-scenes aspects and profitability of memberships.


  • Don’t believe that a membership will be a magic fix for your monthly recurring revenue. It takes time and effort to build and grow a successful membership.
  • Have a clear transformation or promise for your membership. Make sure members know what they will get out of it and why they should stay month to month.
  • Understand the return on investment (ROI) of your membership and how it fits into your customer journey. Consider the lifetime value of a customer and their conversion rate into higher ticket programs.
  • Market your membership consistently and treat it as a core offer in your business. Dedicate time and resources to promoting and selling your membership.
  • Give your membership time to grow and be prepared for income fluctuations. Memberships are a long-term game and it may take time to see significant results.

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